In my collages, I celebrate the vibrancy of urban life as a backdrop for the joys and challenges of childhood. I was born and raised in Roxbury's Washington Park neighborhood, and still live just a few blocks from my childhood home.
I remember the neighborhood of my youth as a magical realm of natural beauty and strong relationships. From fruit trees in the backyard for afternoon snacks, jumping rope with friends and making up games in the school yard. I try to capture, hold and share that world by layering newspapers, photographs. fabric, and paint into rich textures - sealing them in time with love and devotion. Assembled like a downhome quilt, made up of bits and pieces of memory and nostalgia I create these compositions to honor the loving community that nurtured me.
In this block long mural at Northeastern University, Crosswalks and Bus Stops, was displayed in the window's of Northeastern University's Building H in the Fall of 2016. The piece collages multiple works into one continuous mural and celebrates the Roxbury streets where I lived, loved and played as a child.